Monday, May 3, 2010


god its been a while.
xox- glad to be back.

openly dumb.

people who are open about being perverted.
i mean everyone is a perv to their own extent, but those people who litterally only talk to you to get stuff out of you, and are open bout it? its just wrong and stupid.
i guess i can respect people who are honest, but at least try to be a little bit nice to me before asking me to flash you on webcam.. and the funny part is the fact that I really wont do it if thats all you want, (i wont do it in any situation, but thats not the point).

i dont want to meet you and have the first thing you say is 'show me ____' (fill in the blank). because i dont even know you. why dont you try to get to know me? maybe im this super amazing person, and you might like me a lot if you got the time to maybe know me before you try to get with me, via webcam or even in person.

and if its via webcam, the question that i guess will always remain un-answered is; why not watch porn if you REALLY want to see this stuff? i mean like the girls there will do anything you really want, but you choose to ask a random girl for it? its extremely dumb, and maybe before a guy like that asks to see stuff on a girl, they can think of watching porn first, because its probably much more satisfying.

ill never understand guys, and ill never understand the way that they get girls to do things like that by being a rude, obnoxious asshole, but i guess if its working for them, then why stop?

what i think should happen is that girls should start realizing that they want a nice guy who will respect them, and then ditch the assholes, and then the assholes will realize what they're doing is dumb and wrong, and then become a little bit nicer.

and girls, start to respect yourself a little bit more. you deserve a good guy who will treat you right. you dont need to show off yourself to the world to get the love and the admiration you want. start noticing that you can become admired by admiring yourself. these guys dont love you. they love your body and they love what your giving them. they'll tell you they love you, but they really dont, like at all. sorry , but its the honest truth.

btw, its good to be back to writing :) xox.