I know this post can't change anything, but its something that I have to write because a lot of people I know are going through this problem, and I tell them all the SAME THING.
Right now, girls and guys suck. From a young age we are exposed to television and magazines and all these things that show us what we are versus what we are not supposed to look like. Whats "sexy" and whats "ugly". From a young age we are all pressured into being a type of person, and if you are not, then you aren't cool. Unfortunately, there are more of the "uncool" then there are of the "cool", cause there is a minority of people who look "the right way". The big problem is, the "uncool" and "ugly" people are getting nothing because they aren't good enough, or so they say.
The problem with girls and guys is that they are all setting their standards impossibly high because they are all looking for the model movie person who is perfect. the thing is, movies are fiction (obviously not all of them but you catch my drift) and if you aren't those people, you wont get ANYTHING.
I'll start off with girls. (I'm not saying I'm any better than all the other girls, because I go right in here too) We are literally born into looking for prince "charming" who is sexy and big and blonde and all that shit that makes no sense at all. and so we will NOT settle until we find that guy. we pass by so many guys who would treat us the way we deserve just to be with an asshole who looks like a greek god. we will have these super nice guys as just friends, because we want their niceness, we just dont want their looks. and its fucking stupid. there are obviously a lot of exceptions, but most girls, this is what we are.
Now, for guys. you assholes are literally pouring with sex because you're at the age where its all you fucking want. (i know, there are always exceptions). You guys look for this skinny sexy big tits big ass girl who is an idiot but is too hot to care. You guys don't just pass by other girls, you USE them and treat them like crap. You make it harder for the nice guys because now girls assume that this is how they should be treated, and nice guys become "pussies" to girls. so not only do you fuck girls over, but you fuck nice guys over too. guys, this is what most of you are. you pass by girls that deserve chances daily. ones that would bend over backwards just to go on a date with you, nd byebye.
And as for the nice guys, you guys are giving up way too easy.
The solution is time. that sounds like complete fucking shit. and i know, it is, but the only things that can happen is you put yourself out there a lot more, and you wait, because just like i tell everyone else, at one point when a girl wants to settle in and get married and move on with her life, unless shes a complete moron, she wont be going for assholes who treat her wrongfully, she'll go for a nice guy whos smart and has a future and loves her the right way, no matter what he looks like. And the guys? the nice guys wont be going for stupid girls who only have their looks going for them. guys want to settle with a girl who is nice and who is smart and funny and see's himself having a future with them because they can make a future for themselves.
all in all i say to all of you, your time is coming. i dont know when, i dont know where you'll meet them, but i do know if you run away on love, it wont come looking for you, its not going to chase you, so theres no point in quitting or giving up, just keep trying. always get back on the horse.
those are my thoughts of the day.
(ps: sorry i havn't written in a while, i been really busy with camp)