Tuesday, January 8, 2013

my stomach hurts for beiber

alright so im coming back with a kind of crappy topic i know i know, but its REALLLLYYYY making me sick, and its given me so much inspiration to write, its insane. (ps: i have too many opinions)

so im sure everyone who reads this knows about the whole beiber thing thats in the media right now, how he smokes weed and everyone is flipping out about it, well what you might not know (but you probably do) is that the new twitter trending thing is called #cutforbeiber and there are so many younger girls who are cutting themselves repeatedly and posting pictures of it online saying "if you stop smoking, we'll stop cutting".

let me start off by laughing hysterically at that because girls are so stupid sometimes. but now seriously, this is really wrong that people are mutilating themselves because of a pop star.

first of all, hes a teenager so he's bound to smoke at some point. http://www.canadadrugfree.org said that the average age that kids first try drugs is a 12.6 years old, and he's HOW OLD now? so you gotta assume he's tried it once. also, its not like hes doing cocaine or heroin or anything, hes just smoking a bit of weed, the worst thatll happen is he eats too much and gets fat or sum off of munchies. any weed-related consequences to his body are all his responsibility because he chose to smoke.

second of all, cutting because he's doing it WONT STOP HIM FROM DOING IT. i mean if you really think about it, do you think some super rich teenage guy who can basically get any girl he wants will care about a couple of fans? If he really likes to smoke weed hes going to do it regardless to how people feel about it, because they don't really affect him, besides buying into all the crap he puts out, but if a couple girls get hurt he wont care he still has millions of fans worldwide.

next, the fact that i'm even writing this blog all about girls cutting for this one guy is sick. and not like "oh thats so sick" as in cool, i mean sick as in it makes me want to throw up. people cut themselves probably every day, maybe every hour who even knows. I can't believe that girls are cutting themselves for such an idiotic reason, when there are people who cut themselves all the time, and nobody even focuses on them, because theyre reason isnt "appealing" to the public. thats disgusting, how about instead of everyone freaking out that beiber is high, people freak out because there are fucking people cutting themselves over it, and that people need to be taught about how wrong that is, that they risk themselves for the worstttttttttttttttttttttttttt reason.

lastly, this sounds a bit like what i just said, but the fact that the media puts this out is insane. (im about to sound really hipster so bare with me) In the world there is hunger, there is poverty, there is political instability,  there are disasters daily and there is violence, crime, a a whole lot of hate out there. we are being brainwashed to think that a subject like mario lopez's wedding (just saw a commercial for the show they are making about it) or justin beiber's pot smoking is SOOOOOO important, but the other stuff we can "leave to the professionals" or "theres nothing we can do about it so just pretend its not happening".
1. why the fuck do we care about the stupid inside lives or famous people
2. why the fuck do famous people want us INSIDE their lives, like REALLY inside. they want us to see their home, their cars, their relationships and children and it just can't be a healthy lifestyle to never have any secrets or privacy.
3. why are these things more important than our planet, our lives, and the future?

i just dont understand much about today, but if there wasn't all this shit id have nothing to complain about.
i miss the beatles lul.
xoxo ill try to write more but im starting school on the 21st, and nobody really reads this anyways lol.
ciao for now,