Sunday, February 14, 2010

cookies gone bad

so i decided for valentines day i would make cookies for my family, cause im awesome.
keyword; awwwe
so im feeling all confident, making these cookies, because im home alone and my parents never let me bake when nobodys home. i was really excited about it, until it told me to put two cups of chocolate chips. Me being me, i put the two cups like it said, and then i realized there was a lot of friggen chocochips in there. i decided it was because it was resting ontop of the layer of flour, and it really wasnt that much, and when i mixed it would be a normal size.
quicksearch; really wrong girl uses too many chips
so like me again, i used waaay too many. i decided to let it go and just make the cookies. A heart for my dad, an 'A' for my sister, and a 'C' for my mom, even though she'd never eat it, and then i used leftovers to make normal cookies.
note to self; if one puts cookies too close, they will turn out ugly
as my friend alex described it, the 'A' looked like a blob, the 'C' looked like an ass and the heart looked like a foxes head. they turned out really ugly, and stuck together. My sister helped out a bit by trying to reshape the letters and make them look better, but it was a big big fail. I laughed because its so like me to fuck up my first time they trust me to bake, and after wasting all of the chocochips and making ugly cookies (ones that tasted like pure pure sugar), i was never to be trusted alone again.
funny how strangely, im okay with that.
I'm always so used to baking with my mum, and ive always loved baking with her, because we do the silliest things, and baking alone felt different. when i made a mess of myself, i had nobody to laugh with, and that was a little bit sad.
i guess i wrote this because in the spirit of valentines day (keyword; bleughh), i realized that doing things alone and being trusted isn't what i thought it would be. Yea it was cool, but i guess i really realized how much i appreciate my family being around to boss me around and not trust me when i do something dumb. i also appreciate my family to be around when i do something amazing and when funny things happen. Just don't tell them all of that, because then they'll know that i actually like them, and we dont want that to happen do we?
quicksearch; justine attacking you with knife when you tell her parents
by the way, that quicksearch was a kidd. :)

so happy valentines day (BLEUUGHHH!!) and i hope you realize things like i did today, cause its always nice to know that other then your 'valentine' or your crush, your family and friends love you too <3

PS; HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEANYYY! (shoutout to my best budd evahh!)