Monday, September 26, 2011

in school blogger

today is my first in school blog,
not that this will become a regular thing, but I've never written a blog inside the school so its pretty fun.
I had a cancelled class today so im here until 1:00 with nothing to do, well actually until like 12:15 cause thats when im meeting with max.
ANYWHOOOOO, im in the stewart hall lounge and im listening in on other peoples conversations as usual because i have nothing better to do with my life. i should be reading, studying for tests or whatever, or even working on my assignments. but 1. i cant work on a certain assignment cause its too personal, and 2. im wayyyyyy too lazy and bored. I'm asking around for a topic to write about (im asking my friends not random people i see don't worry) but nothing seems to be comming up. I know im a creative mind, but i wish i had the creativity to come up with something so fast.

actually, I want to tell my two readers about whats new in my life. I have a job! i know right? its swell. but like, its actually a kind of cool job. Its on most thursdays (since i have no school thursday) and its at a Hebrew elementary school. basically what i have to do is edit a newspaper. Im almost a teacher for a group of like maybe 11 or 12 kids, and theyre going to be writing articles and all that, and We're going to make it into a newspaper. I have four thursdays left to get this all worked out which i think is totally enough.

so the kids i have are absolutely adorable. in grade five or six, and they seem really into the idea of writing in a newspaper / making one themselves. especially considering that they were chosen "specially" to be writers of said newspaper. I'm really excited to work with kids who love to write because I know that I love it as well and the idea of kids learning from me is just too much fun to think about.

I'm hoping to really make a connection to these kids because honestly I find them to be so much smarter than the people that surround me every day. the minds of simple children are what we need in the world. the fact that so easily kids can go from fighting to friends, and their issues are so small and unharmful make me jealous that I'm busy dealing with the bullshit of "teenage drama". At their age its "He stole my marker", at this age its "He stole my drugs and is sleeping with my girlfriend and is bringing a gun to school" (totally made up btw that's never happened) and i find it really sad that we can't just go back to being simple children who dont have to deal with puberty and dick size and boob size and boyfriends and drugs.

unfortunately though, little by little, the filth of our generation is being passed down younger and younger. Now, its 16 and pregnant, soon itll be 13 and pregnant (if thats even possible). its just sad that people younger than me have more sexual and drug experience than I do. Not to say I want these experiences, but I remember when I was in grade 7 I didn't know what weed even was, and I was getting ready to give my first PECK on the lips. now in grade seven people are high in class and having sex. That scares the shit out of me, because when I have kids, by the time their in kindergarden theyre going to be dealing pot and sleeping around. (not really)

so theres my flip out of the day, ill write again soon on the progress of the newspaper.
from the stewie hall lounge, im justine frankel, its 10:58 and im tired as a mofo.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

i need more friends

Im sitting here in my bed, 9:26 PM, Saturday night.
I have just taken a shower and im in my sweats and an ugly shirt, and theres that whole towel business on my head. I realized, I'm home alone, and that i clearly am the coolest person on this planet for being in this situation at 9:27 on a saturday night.

I have friends, i guess... 85 on facebook, at least five or six is family, one is my camp boss, and i mean, its nothing special of a friends list. Its people i talk to, people who i want to see my updates or new shit thats happening. But im having a real issue with the "class friends" and the "chill with them on break" friends and the "my parents know their faces and names" friends.

class friends are those people who i talk to in class, sit next to, share a friendship with in class, because i really have nobody else to talk to so i just meet and talk and gossip or whatever in class. if were talking class friends, i've won the jackpot of people.
chill with them on break friends are the ones who i would hangout with in school, get to know well enough that we share a break and i hang with them during said break. you know the friendly type who you tell about your 'new boyfriend who goes to another school', but you know they'll never meet the new boyf cause you only see them in school
then, my favorite, and what im lacking is the "my parents know their faces and names" friends. now obviously, not all my good friends my parents know on a first name face basis, but like these are the people ill text to chill on weekends with, at nights with, and like know them well. i can grab them for serious advice, we write on eachothers walls without it being awkward and we actually talk a lot more than we should.

I'm missing good friends, because nobody at age 17 should be alone on a friggen saturday night. and my whole family is out, i mean does nobody see the sadness in the fact that i am alone, while my parents who have more facebook friends (by choice) go out? i wanna go the fuck out!

so i guess this is less of a "im going to complain or notice something and rant about it" blog. its more of a "i really wish i knew what to do" blog. because honestly, i meet so many new people, yet i have no clue how to make FRIENDS.. its like a disease or something.. and i wish i knew, because i love seeing different people. and i hate having to depend on the same people, hoping they're free so that i can actually have something to do on the weekend. you know, they have lives, and other friends they wanna see, so they wouldnt just see me every weekend right? exactly.

all in all, i need to make more friends, but like cool ones, nobody creepy.. i dont like creeps. :)
i complain cause im a lonerr raaaaaaaaaaahh...
joking im pretty good.
say hi to your mom for me,

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

its good to be good, but its better to sometimes be bad.

okay so im going to admit right now for being a bad person, its SIN CONFESSION time.
so, I've cheated, and felt really shitty for it.
I've lied, and felt a little less shitty, depends on who I lied to, but we all do it so dont judge me or ill judge you right back bumfaces.
I've stolen, from like my family, and the bookfairs in elementary, cause funky pencils and pretty erasers arent worth 5$ each.
I've talked behind peoples back, dont pretend you dont do it, your probably talking behind my back right now.
I've been a shitty friend at times, a shitty daughter, a shitty sister, and just like.. a bad person.
I think that I'm trying to get at a point that.. ive done bad things, but like really, everyone has too.
I think its time for everyone to cut the bullshit and stop pretending that they're angels and do nothing wrong. I'm sure ive made like ten people angry today, guaranteed. Yes, there are times where i can be totally adorably angelic, but its rare, because 1. im a woman and we get easily angered, and 2. im way too mean to be an angel. I think that every angel is a devil, but every devil is an angel.

I don't believe in fully GOOD or BAD people. because that doesnt make any sence. everyone does bad things, and it makes me angry when you think that people can't change, or like if theyre bad, theyre bad forever. if people who are good can become bad, which totally happens like a billion trillion times a day, then bad people can become good. I think what this is really about, is the decency and respect that people have fr other people.

I know, im really jumping around topics, but im talking about good and bad people. but everyone has to have some basic respect among them. for example, i hated high school (but you all know that cause i complained about it DAIIILLYYYYY in blogworld), and obviously it was because of the people there. i still see those people, how i still see them, i dont understand considering i go to a school with 6000 people and still see the same a holes that i was excited NOT to see, but the point is, they finally grew the hell up and although i think they are TERRIBLE people for what they did, and they still probably talk shit, i really couldnt care, but they dont give me dirty looks or yell things at me or push me around now, because they finally learnt some respect. you dont have to like me, but dont say shit right in my face.
That is decency, that is respect, and i think that some people (not going to name names but you know who you are) are just not decent or respectful.

but to the people who are, thats who wins in the end. im not dwelling on the past of being made fun of or whatever these bad people did, im realizing that bad people can actually become good people.. but good guys, can become bad guys, and when they decide to become bad, they just look like idiots, cause theyre being rude and "bad" to someone whos good, which is totally stupid and not worth yours, or my time.

from the bed of a maasai warrior post circumsizion in brocks class (i wrote that for max, my loyal blog follower) , this is justine frankel , pissin blood. PEACE.

i tried out "PEACE" and it didnt work.


Friday, September 9, 2011

im a nympho and i adore sex.

the title is eye catching isnt it.
well, i put it there so you could pay some attention for once you pervs. joking. im in a mood and a half today. but what i wanted to write about way actually what i attempted to do with this title thing, get someones attention. well not someones, but whoever is reading this. Id bet you read the title and though this would be about sex. well thats where you were wrong, the title has nothing to do with the substance.
yea, i pulled the im-teaching-you-a-lesson card.
theres so many things that fly through my mind when i think of what i did. let me explain them all beautifly before i try to stay awake all night cause i dont think ill be able to wake up in 5 and a half hours if i go to sleep now; plus i have a bit of homework, shame on me for doing this before homework. learn from my mistakes.
Okay so, the first thing i really wanted to portray was that people are all about the first thing they see about a person, and then they'll continue looking. "dont judge a book by its cover" is basically what im saying. just because the title has sex in it, doesnt mean im going to talk about the glorious act of lovemaking. just cause you see someone in one way, doesnt mean thats who or what they are. its annoying to know that you have to be a certain way for someone to get to know you.
I know for a fact, that when I dress the way I feel like it, and i mean like the way lazy justine wants to dress, and i go out, not one person looks or talks to me, but when i dress the way i should dress, which is actually usually the right thing to do, but ill be honest i like to add in a lil extra sum sum as a crowd pleaser (omg im kidding im not a whore), but yea when i dress nice, i get looks, and sometimes someone will approach me.
Its like the first day of school, everyone at abbott wore their greatest outfits and you could tell they looked confident and good about themselves and like they can "rule the world" or whatever, but give it a while, they wont try so hard cause its school, not downtown.

thing number two is something im guna regret saying i think.
its about the title itself, and what the substance is, and how i can bet it caught at least 1 out of the two people who ever read my blog ;)
so im in a radio class and we gotta ask the "public of john abbott" about a question and they gotta give a good answer.. nd btw, i WILL be on the radio, ill write it on my facebook or something when its going to be.
but anyways, me and my two fellow male groupmembers had to come up with an idea of a question that is interesting enough that people wont fall asleep listening to the answers. so of course, we chose sex as our topic. our question was : Personally, is it important for you to be or not to be a virgin and why?
now, you would assume right away that people made jokes out of the answers, but besides one guy who litterally said "i dont go to a club to find a virgin, i go there to find the dirtiest whore there is", nobody was all stupid and immature about it. unfortunately, we didnt get a ton of truth, cause people are too embarrassed to say how they feel "it doesnt matter" was a big one.
but a few people said it, one guy said "i dont care if shes a virgin, but im not right now, and i cant be a virgin, ive been wanting to lose it since i was 16 so i cant be a virgin".
honestly, sex is effin exhileratingly great, and its fun to do and u can try different things and theres so many things that go along with it, but im tired of it being the most important thing on peoples minds. id bet if my blog was called "the sex diaries" it would have many more readers than now. its that people these days just all wanna know so much about sex, they all wanna have it, and its like drugs to them. when i post this on facebook , im posting it as "i wrote about sum sexy" and see how many more people actually visit. im sure after the first few lines, they'll stop, but i mean i wanna know the visit count after that post.
all people care about is something sexy and hot. im done with it, i wanna be cute and funny and fun to be with. i mean duh i wanna be sexy and hot, but not all the time.  im done with people only thinking someone else is interesting because of something sexual. im done with people wanting to know about what i want and who ive done and all that shit . if i wanna tell you i will, but i gotta be close with you.

so thats me, ranting about lifes stupidities and difficulties, and im tired as balls so im not going to edit and reread before i publish. hopefully this isnt as bad as i feel like it is right now.
goodnight bizznatches,

ps: im in love.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

what a feeling

so cejep is good, i made friends and kept my old friends, and im happy. tell me thats possible right?
i usually get on here to complain or to explain something ive learnt, which knowing me, this will turn into that kind of thing, but i dont know about much right now. i think that i just want to write more, i wanna make sure ive still got some unwritten words that i wanna put down on paper.
i think that whats really going through my mind is the word love. im not guna go all crazy and talk about the emotion and all that, but i think im purely thinking about when people say it.
like a guy i know said he refuses to say it first, even if he feels it, cause of course hes scared. i also know girls who dont want to say it first cause theyre scared.
i really think that if u feel it, you should say it. if they get all weirded out, then maybe they arent right for you. i think that if someone says they love me and dont love them back yet (relationship wise) then u tell them u really like them but ur not ready for that yet. if someone really likes you, they wont judge you for saying the big L word.. i think what every person wants is to not be scared anymore to say those things.
personally, i applaude (sp?) anyone who says it, because they are putting thenselves out there, and if the other person gets all dickish about it, its cause they arent meant to be. i mean whats loving someone if they dont love you back? its easy to let go of them if you reallllyyy think about it.
if they dont love you back, than the emotions u feel are just pointless, because clearly its not mutual.
so fall in love so that u can say it.

i know this was a short one, but its still there :) goodnight and goodbye