okay so im going to admit right now for being a bad person, its SIN CONFESSION time.
so, I've cheated, and felt really shitty for it.
I've lied, and felt a little less shitty, depends on who I lied to, but we all do it so dont judge me or ill judge you right back bumfaces.
I've stolen, from like my family, and the bookfairs in elementary, cause funky pencils and pretty erasers arent worth 5$ each.
I've talked behind peoples back, dont pretend you dont do it, your probably talking behind my back right now.
I've been a shitty friend at times, a shitty daughter, a shitty sister, and just like.. a bad person.
I think that I'm trying to get at a point that.. ive done bad things, but like really, everyone has too.
I think its time for everyone to cut the bullshit and stop pretending that they're angels and do nothing wrong. I'm sure ive made like ten people angry today, guaranteed. Yes, there are times where i can be totally adorably angelic, but its rare, because 1. im a woman and we get easily angered, and 2. im way too mean to be an angel. I think that every angel is a devil, but every devil is an angel.
I don't believe in fully GOOD or BAD people. because that doesnt make any sence. everyone does bad things, and it makes me angry when you think that people can't change, or like if theyre bad, theyre bad forever. if people who are good can become bad, which totally happens like a billion trillion times a day, then bad people can become good. I think what this is really about, is the decency and respect that people have fr other people.
I know, im really jumping around topics, but im talking about good and bad people. but everyone has to have some basic respect among them. for example, i hated high school (but you all know that cause i complained about it DAIIILLYYYYY in blogworld), and obviously it was because of the people there. i still see those people, how i still see them, i dont understand considering i go to a school with 6000 people and still see the same a holes that i was excited NOT to see, but the point is, they finally grew the hell up and although i think they are TERRIBLE people for what they did, and they still probably talk shit, i really couldnt care, but they dont give me dirty looks or yell things at me or push me around now, because they finally learnt some respect. you dont have to like me, but dont say shit right in my face.
That is decency, that is respect, and i think that some people (not going to name names but you know who you are) are just not decent or respectful.
but to the people who are, thats who wins in the end. im not dwelling on the past of being made fun of or whatever these bad people did, im realizing that bad people can actually become good people.. but good guys, can become bad guys, and when they decide to become bad, they just look like idiots, cause theyre being rude and "bad" to someone whos good, which is totally stupid and not worth yours, or my time.
from the bed of a maasai warrior post circumsizion in brocks class (i wrote that for max, my loyal blog follower) , this is justine frankel , pissin blood. PEACE.
i tried out "PEACE" and it didnt work.