Friday, November 25, 2011

im on my cell so if i typo suck it

so i wanted to post that i couldnt sleep, which i cant, but i took a good half hour to fix this dumb bum phone and to even get on this shit.
let me tell you the stress is building the fuck up. its like i was fine all semester, but the most boring canadian info humanities class might win over me, and i finally finnished my newspaper with the lil jews. and i have all these papers due and all that shit. since when am i supposed to not enjoy cejep? jeeeeeeeeez. but my one way to handle stress works out time nd time again. have a munchie, listen to the beatles, take a bath. yes, we all need alone time. shut upppp
i was really thinking about it and im actually scared shitless for the future. i mean like three things with the same deadline overwhelmes me enough that i blow it off, imagine when im actually an independant citizen. thats weird to think about. im tired
k im guna go sleep or try.
i wanna be a mom one day. to a boy cause god help me if i have a daughter whos anything like me