Monday, January 23, 2012

vaginas have opinions too

i am so excited.
im going to see the damn vagina monologues with my mum, and im excited cause its going to be the funniest effin thing on earth. empowered women make me so happy.
anyways, i was talking to some people today about feminists and junk, and I came to a sudden realization that can anger a lot of chicks, especially if its their time of the month (ehhhhh? ;))
so, i think that the president shouldnt be a woman. this is something i feel not so strongly about cause i really dont care that much since the world is fucked anyways so i dont care who fucks us over politically, but honestly, a woman president is a BAD idea, for a number of reasons.
First of all, whether we like it or not, us ladies are emotional as fuck. trust me, ive finally accepted that i feel the same as most girls, and it helps me control myself better. i mean us girls, we are fucking emotional, and thats okay. its really not that big of a deal, its just that we get all worked up and get mad when people say we are, which proves we are even more. I mean i hate being like other girls, emotional and all that, but that shit happens, and we gotta deal with it. A woman president will feel like they're the bees knees and they would take all matters into how they "feel", and then things would basically become all about them in the sense that if they think its wrong, no matter what science or facts prove, then they will act on their opinions.
Second of all, when it comes to fighting and war, unfortunately its around, and we gotta have someone who can fight back. Not to say that girls don't fight back and stuff, but most of us try to solve our problems differently, and gossiping about china isnt the way to solve a war if we have one with them. we need a man president who isnt afraid to send off bombs and fight back. When we dont fight, they'll just bomb us and win wars and shit. were too chick-ish to do that.
Thirdly, and this one will piss people off, girls and their fken time of the month. The world will go to shit for one week every month, because we are annoying as shit on our times, and it sucks, but we are 100% like this. We will be overly emotional, we will be angry, we will be hungry, and we will drive everyone bonkers. also, we will just fucking ruin everything with the god damned colour pink.
so everyone stop crying about how i feel, because you never know, we might get a chick in charge and she might be awesome, but i mean, I really don't want to deal with Justin Beiber being our national anthem.
Chicks would be shitty presidents, and thats life. Hey its okay we can still be strippers.

ok bye.