i've been told that I'm alway excited and happy and this is why people like me.
1. Me, HAPPY ALL THE TIME? I puke at people who are happy all the time. I'm content most of the time, but I'm not truly satisfied and happy.
2. PEOPLE DON'T LIKE ME. most people tolerate me, but i've got a line up of people who don't like me
the thing is, the reason why it doesn't seem like people hate me is cause i've shut up about the people who hate me. i dont care about the people who hate me...
i just dont give a fuck
ive tried my entire life to impress people just to be accepted,
and i left highschool a lot of assholes bullying me, a bunch of other shit, and got dumped in a text, so i said "fuck this shit" and i realized that i dont give a shit about people and what they say or think about meand when i stopped trying, five seconds later i meet max
i make a bunch of new friends
and as soon as i start trying again, max and i are fighting and our relationship is over,
and now, im not trying anymore, and it feels better than it has in a long time because we're actually good friends.
the secret is to not give a fuck
if someone doesnt like you
who the fuck cares
there are 7 billion people on the planet
some of them arent going to like you
u gotta accept it and move on
people are mean because they have shit in their own lives, and because they want to see a reaction
dont give them one
at least not in person
dont get mad at people, life is too short to dwell on anything.
people are so busy focusing on the negative shit around them that they can't stop and appreciate anything.
and YES i am being a bit hypocritical because i tend to flip shit when one bad thing happens, but its something we ALL have to work on.me included, and A LOT.
I just think that enough is enough.
If someone shit talks you, block them out.
If your friends aren't treating you right, they're clearly not your friends and you should probably get out of that.
If you're in a bad relationship, get the fuck out, stop being miserable.
we need to stop accepting the shit that goes on in our lives.
theres no point in living if all you're going to believe is that you'll never be happy and you accept that.
we all have to stop letting ourselves be so sad, its gotten to this point where our default setting is to just be mad or sad at anything that gets thrown at us, because its not what we are used to.
embrace the change, maybe we'll get something beautiful out of it.
im not saying "yolo" cause thats a stupid saying, but i am saying that live your life.
theres worse out there, so stop crying over spilt milk and if you're not satisfied with something,
get the fuck out there and fix it!
love u, jus