Sunday, July 14, 2013

what is tragedy, what is not?

When people die, facebook goes into an uproar of RIP's and things like this.
Let me start off by saying I am not telling you that this is bad; I actually encourage it. You're paying your respects to whomever passed away and I completely respect that. What's been bugging my mind for a while, but today especially is people saying someone's death was tragic.
Look, people die young and old all the time, every day, doesn't mean each death is truly tragic.
I remember being in the L.O.V.E program and we spoke about (at the time) a celebrity who had passed away suddenly after doing something stupid and getting themselves killed. All of us students were so sad saying it was tragic and they were too young and everything that people say when an idolized figure dies. Well, our supervisor didn't think it was too tragic. Let me explain why this stuff isn't much tragedy.
When you're doing something that could get you killed, like taking too many drugs, KILLING YOURSELF, doing idiotic things like throwing yourself off a bridge for fun that could be unsafe, you know things like that. Stupid irresponsible things that can get you hurt or killed, then its you bringing it on yourself, so i don't believe that its such a tragedy. Also, this one is a little more sad but when someone has lived a full life like i mean theyre in their 70's 80's 90's and up, if they die, its not really tragic because they lived a full life so they got the chance to experience a life.
To me, you take a child walking and he gets suddenly hit by a bus, now THATS TRAGEDY.
I just can't see myself feeling really bad for all of these celebrities being found dead from overdose or stupid things like that, because its really all on them they have the money they bought the shit that killed them. And suicides aren't tragedy because theyre doing it, its a choice. It might be tragic for the family i understand that and for the friends and whoever is really close to the person, but for everyone else its an RIP (insert name here) on your status, feel really good about yourself for like two minutes and then move on with your life.
k cry about it. there are more important things in life than celebrities and your entertainment.

i know im a bit of a cold hearted bitch, but if you sit around all day calling these things tragic, then god knows what you call tsunamis and shit like that cause that to me is tragic. if ONE actor dying is tragedy then whats a million people who aren't famous dying? must be one hell of a word for it cause I don't have another one if i allready used tragedy to describe the druggie being too high and shooting themselves in the fucking head.

Sorry for this one it was a little close to home, but when you feel something, sometimes you gotta write it out, and i feel like we are putting too much time into the wrong issues.

AND JUST WHILE IM HERE AND WE'RE ON IT, whyyyyyyy are celebrities families letting the funerals be publicized... even the celebrities who let their wedding be publicized like you just chose for the world to be in on very intimate affairs such as death and marriage, and things like pregnancy and all of these very familial only affairs are now full of cameras and microphones and nobodys genuine anymore at these things cause they know the whole world is watching. I want to be able to cry at my wedding and kiss and my wedding and say goodbye at a funeral without the entire world watching, know what i mean?

fuck celebrities hahhaha. nono im kidding theyre really important we'd all go crazy if it werent for media and people to wrongfully look up to and movies to watch that are awesome. anyways, i feel i've written enough for the time being.

as for parting words, don't be mad be glad. woo.
love, jus