Saturday, December 7, 2013

If I Could Go Back In Time

If I could go back in time, what would I do?

I would talk to the young version of myself, but what would I say?
I would tell myself that I am perfect the way I am, and not to let anyone tell me otherwise.
I would warn myself that people will one day tell me otherwise, but I can't let it get to me, because as long as I am happy the way I am, then none of it matters.
I would tell myself that life gets better, it gets better every day, and that no matter how bad things seem, there's a light at the end of my dark dark tunnel.
I would tell myself that drugs aren't the answer to my problems, that I don't need to medicate myself to run away, that theres always someone I could talk to.
I would tell myself to focus on my studies, and not let anything get in the way of my passion and my future.
I would tell myself to take better care of myself, to spend more time working on how to feel better about myself, rather than how to get others to feel better about me.
I would tell myself that I am worth it, and that people are lucky to have me, not the other way around.
I would tell myself to not let people walk all over me, to be in charge of how i feel, what i do, and not let people pressure me into things.

But, I can't go back in time... can I?
If I went back in time and told myself all those things, then I wouldn't be who I am today.

If I had told myself that I was perfect the way I was, then I would have a bigger ego, I would be full of myself, I would have not been as modest, I wouldn't have learn't how to improve my self-esteem and self confidence.
If I warned myself about people bullying me, I would have avoided it, and I wouldn't be as strong as I am today, I wouldn't have been able to handle criticism and bad remarks as I can today.
If I knew life got better, I wouldn't have learned it on my own, and found the beauty in life through all the ugliness of my problems.
If I knew to never try drugs, I wouldn't have ever kicked them, and realized how strong and how much I can accomplish with determination.
If I knew to focus on my studies, I'd have never learn't how to be social, how to talk to people and to interact with unknown, to be outgoing and to never shy away from giving someone a smile.
If I knew to take better care of myself, I wouldn't have learned how to get out of a rut, how it feels to be emotionally and physically unstable, and then stabilize myself.

If I went back in time and then knew all these things, I would be a completely different person. I think instead of wishing to go back in time, I get the pleasure of having some crazy stories, some sad stories, and some stories of how I overcame the worst of times in my life.

I consider myself extremely lucky to have gone through so much shit (to my standards) and made it out alive. I am lucky because I experienced a lot and it'll help me through the rest of my life, and I'll be able to help and to relate with people who have gone through or are currently going through the same situations. I think that I am blessed to be able to say I went through hell and back, and I am so strong and grown up now.

I'd like to thank the people who stuck by my side and believed in me the whole way through, you are the reason I am still here today, and I couldn't have grown without you. Hope is so powerful, and once you know someone believes in you and has faith in you, it makes you determined to prove to those special and important people that you can overcome the bad.

thanks for listening. this one wasn't as good as the last, but it needed to be written.
love, jus

on ditching

Well, I've found inspiration to write again.
As I sit in my house on my comfy bed, I think about how its Saturday night, the whole family is out, and I just got a text saying the person I'm supposed to see tonight is bailing on me.
Unfortunately, getting bailed on is a feeling im very familiar with. Lately, not a week has gone by where I haven't been ditched at least once, and it's quite hurtful. sure, I say "no problem, yeah another time" but on the inside, I feel like complete crap.

Maybe I was just raised this way, but I was always taught that when you make a commitment, any sort of plans, you stick to them (unless of course an emergency situation arises). If I were to cancel at all, it would be at least 2 or 3 days in advanced, so that said person has the time to figure out new plans. I just don't understand why people are so okay with just bailing on you when something better comes up. Am I the only person who gets ditched THIS MUCH? Like someone needs to tell me they're in the same situation as me, because it's getting really pathetic the amount of nights and days I spend alone because of someone bailing on me.

Is it me? I tend to ask myself that question a lot. What did I do that was so wrong, what's so bad about me that people feel the need to cancel on me right before plans? Or they just don't show up at all, and I'm left sitting there, waiting, hours passing by and I'm just sitting there staring out the window, expecting to see someone show up, and they never do.

Some say it's the friends I have; they're unreliable and I should be making new ones. I think that might be the truth. As I sit here in my bed, I notice how unreliable some of the people I know are, and how they cancel on me without apology, with a fake and stupid excuse. And then as angry and as hurt as I feel, I pull the "please don't do it again" and then forgive as if nothing happened. Part of me is scared to lose a friend over something so stupid like bailing. But at the same time it's not so stupid because it really hurts my feelings. I'd bet people didn't know every time I get ditched, I cry, a lot. I'm the kind of person who prepares, tries to look nice, gets snacks ready gets all this stuff ready hours before the plans actually happen, because I'm so excited for them. So you could imagine how stupid and taken for granted I feel when someone so easily just cancels, as if it never even mattered to them.

Some say to pull a revenge stunt, but I can't do that. I know how this terrible shitty feeling feels, and I can't bring myself to put anyone through that pain. Yeah, you think the way I'm explaining it makes it seem more dramatic than it is, but to me this is how it feels. It seems as though my whole life I've been peoples back up plan; once they find something better, they'll get rid of the plans with me, and to be honest its really uncool.

If they ditch me, they don't deserve to see me at all. If they can't keep plans with me, they clearly didn't care enough to see me. and then when they have the NERVE to tell me they miss me, I like to say "you clearly didn't miss me enough last friday when you bailed on our plans". Super duper UNCOOL dudes.

So I've made a decision, when you make plans with me, i'll be super up for it, but I'll do what I always do and say "please don't cancel last minute" and if you do, you've lost the privilege to spend time with me. See I don't care how egotistical this sounds, but I'm a really good person. I'm fun to be around, I'm funny at times, I try to be a good friend and person. I think that spending time with people that are good friends and good company isn't a given right, its special, and it's worth something. So, if you can't recognize that my time is worth something, then you don't get any of my time at all. I hope everyone who ditches me reads this, cause it's your last warning.

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. It's time for me to stop letting people fool me again and again.

xoxo off to excersize and try to be skinny which is gona happen one day i think lol.
love, jus

Monday, October 7, 2013

The Struggle; a poem inspired by my addiction.

every day is a struggle
every day i want it more
every day i am lying
every day getting poor

its all i can think about
its always on my mind
it finds its way to get to me
it fucks me up every time

It makes me feel so happy,
makes my problems go away,
so I just keep on doing it,
each and every day.

each time i try to stop
as i start to get really proud
a voice inside me tells me i want it
it screams at me really loud

I know i shouldn't do it,
with asthma and hard breath
but for some reason I continue,
It could result in death.

it scares me cause i want to stop
it scares me cause im trying
it scares me cause at the same time i dont
it scares me cause i'm always lying

why am i addicted?
I dont know, you tell me
all i know is when i kick this habbit
i'll finally be free.

I know that i've hurt many
I know that i was wrong
but if i can just get through this
I know that i'll be strong.

I hate to be the one to ask
Because i feel so small
but really i just need some help
to get me through it all.

I don't know where to look for help,
I don't know if i'll find,
but I do know that when I do this,
I'll have some peace of mind.

I am a marijuana addict
I will not tell a lie,
I want this addiction to end right now,
before it makes me die.

- to the people i've hurt, im so sorry, you all deserve so much better than this and I know the justine you all know and love is still in here, and she needs you now more than ever. I want to kick this thing, and with support and love I know I can. I've gone seven weeks, and I've gone eight weeks, i know i can do it again and get an even higher number, maybe even kick it forever. I love you all so much <3 p="">

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

the loner

this is a poem i wrote about a dream i had. hope its not too gloomy.

surrounded by a sea of people and yet i am so alone, 
they think that they know me but the only know my clone.
my clone has a name face and life and people think shes great.
but deep inside there is the real me who everyone would hate.
shes scared and lonely and wants to leave but nobody can hear,
and showing her real self to the world is something she'll always fear.
what fools she thinks about the world about the people she knows,
the face of truth is full of lies, all of her friends real foes.
but who to trust and who to keep close is the toughest choice,
and who to show her real self, her real body, and her real voice.
she turns herself to self-medication, to numbing all the pain,
she spends her time assimilating, one raindrop in a rain.
she doesn't want to be seen, nor does she want to be heard.
she tries her best too keep quiet, she does not utter a word.
she wrote a note stating farewell to all her so-called friends,
she said goodbye to her family, whom with she had loose ends.
they found her in her room that day, a note attached to her bed,
they found her in her room that day, hanging, she was dead.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Social Networking Is SO bad for me

i really need to delete twitter and facebook and get rid of my instagram and my cell phone and just my computer while i'm at it. maybe just get rid of people. see this is why i need to get rid of all this stuff cause it's making me just so angry all the time.

social networking has over-sensitized me (thats probably not a real word) but I am a less strong person because of my hidding behind a stupid computer and cell phone.

like why does it bother me so much when i know someone's read my message and hasn't answered? why when i don't hear from someone but then i see them posting or tweeting does it make me want to rip my hair out? why is it that when someone posts a fuck you status or something like that we immediately assume its about us? why why why why whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

fuck facebook twitter all this shit fuck people fuck fuck fuck someone help me please before i blow my brains out i dont understand human beings and things as well as i always thought i did as soon as i figure something out its like im missing all these little peices of shit shitty puzzle that part of me doesn't even want to solve. fuck i needed to vent that out.

people need to just be honest and tell other people what they think instead of posting stupid shit cause thats whats fucking us all up were all hiding behind our devises and thinking its our big sheild when in fact its just singling you out from everyone else who isnt cowardly and who can hold a convesation with someone face to face without pulling their god damned phone out i mean i get it if its serious but if its not there should be no reason to text when your with someone.

i know im going into like a billion different angry venting topic but i honestly don't care nobody reads this shitty blog anyways and to prove it im not going to post around that i've written. and if you really read this email me or whatever and tell me you really want to see me write cause if thats the case then i will i just feel like sometimes i need to write like this to get it all out. so theres my rant of the day i actually feel so much better. xox jus

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

To Have Nothing (A 4:30AM Poem)

To Have Nothing (A 4:30AM Poem)
By: Justine Frankel

To have no body,
To have no arms, hands, fingers.
To have no legs, feet, toes.

To have no emotions,
To have no happy, content, joy.
To have no sad, angry, furious.

To have no feel,
To have no pleasure, touch, soft.
To have no pain, burn, hard.

To have no smell,
To have no scent, perfume, fragrance.
To have no odour, whiff, stench.

To have no sight,
To have no observe, view, apperance.
To have no monstrosity, mess, slob.

To have no taste,
To have no sweet, savor, appetite.
To have no bitter, sour, salty.

To have no hear,
To have no listen, sound, attention.
To have no auditory, evesdrop, overhear.

To have no brain,
To have no thought, intelligence, ideas.
To have no stupidity, mentality, talent.

To have no soul,
To have no love, character, sprit.
To have no hate, personality, desire.

To have no life,
To have nothing,
To be nothing.

Without you I feel,
This pain becoming real.
And without your touch,
Nothing becomes too much.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

what is tragedy, what is not?

When people die, facebook goes into an uproar of RIP's and things like this.
Let me start off by saying I am not telling you that this is bad; I actually encourage it. You're paying your respects to whomever passed away and I completely respect that. What's been bugging my mind for a while, but today especially is people saying someone's death was tragic.
Look, people die young and old all the time, every day, doesn't mean each death is truly tragic.
I remember being in the L.O.V.E program and we spoke about (at the time) a celebrity who had passed away suddenly after doing something stupid and getting themselves killed. All of us students were so sad saying it was tragic and they were too young and everything that people say when an idolized figure dies. Well, our supervisor didn't think it was too tragic. Let me explain why this stuff isn't much tragedy.
When you're doing something that could get you killed, like taking too many drugs, KILLING YOURSELF, doing idiotic things like throwing yourself off a bridge for fun that could be unsafe, you know things like that. Stupid irresponsible things that can get you hurt or killed, then its you bringing it on yourself, so i don't believe that its such a tragedy. Also, this one is a little more sad but when someone has lived a full life like i mean theyre in their 70's 80's 90's and up, if they die, its not really tragic because they lived a full life so they got the chance to experience a life.
To me, you take a child walking and he gets suddenly hit by a bus, now THATS TRAGEDY.
I just can't see myself feeling really bad for all of these celebrities being found dead from overdose or stupid things like that, because its really all on them they have the money they bought the shit that killed them. And suicides aren't tragedy because theyre doing it, its a choice. It might be tragic for the family i understand that and for the friends and whoever is really close to the person, but for everyone else its an RIP (insert name here) on your status, feel really good about yourself for like two minutes and then move on with your life.
k cry about it. there are more important things in life than celebrities and your entertainment.

i know im a bit of a cold hearted bitch, but if you sit around all day calling these things tragic, then god knows what you call tsunamis and shit like that cause that to me is tragic. if ONE actor dying is tragedy then whats a million people who aren't famous dying? must be one hell of a word for it cause I don't have another one if i allready used tragedy to describe the druggie being too high and shooting themselves in the fucking head.

Sorry for this one it was a little close to home, but when you feel something, sometimes you gotta write it out, and i feel like we are putting too much time into the wrong issues.

AND JUST WHILE IM HERE AND WE'RE ON IT, whyyyyyyy are celebrities families letting the funerals be publicized... even the celebrities who let their wedding be publicized like you just chose for the world to be in on very intimate affairs such as death and marriage, and things like pregnancy and all of these very familial only affairs are now full of cameras and microphones and nobodys genuine anymore at these things cause they know the whole world is watching. I want to be able to cry at my wedding and kiss and my wedding and say goodbye at a funeral without the entire world watching, know what i mean?

fuck celebrities hahhaha. nono im kidding theyre really important we'd all go crazy if it werent for media and people to wrongfully look up to and movies to watch that are awesome. anyways, i feel i've written enough for the time being.

as for parting words, don't be mad be glad. woo.
love, jus 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

im a man on a bus and i want to be ur friend

hello fellow readers who exist only in my dreams,
today is a special blog, cause its the first i`ve written in a while, also its on a french keyboard so its really special cause i barely know how to use it. no matter. the other reason its special, is cause this keyboard is from my boyfriends computer, which means im at his house, reporting live on the scene from the home of my lover boy ;)
anyways, he`s out at a refferee meeting and i wanted to write because it feels like ages since i`ve said something that has had a lot of meaning to me and that inspired me to write about.
I`ve been observing a lot lately, for some sort of inspiration to write, but i`ve found almost none. then it hit me.
this had never really happened, or maybe it has an i didnt notice till 2013, but as i sit on my public transports (bus, metro, train, walking, anything really) I find that men are really starting to be less shy. I`ve never been one to toot my own horn and be like ``yea i get hit on always`` but seriously, as soon as 2013 started, i`ve noticed a lot of men approached me to talk or something.
now, im not going to take a feminist `hes forsure going to rape me` stance on it, but at first i was quite frightened by it. You know, just 18 years old walking around alone or bussing alone and all the sudden some dude you`ve never seen (usually not even a cute guy) just starts to talk to you. Your first instinct is to run away as soon as you can. Ive started to feel comfort in numbers, as in being hit on in a bus is no big deal if the bus is full of people. This is how i was at the start, nervous, always looking around, vulnerable. The funny thing is, the more comfortable I got with stm, the more comfortable I was with myself.
Let me give you an example: you know when you first start off taking public transport alone, and you`re clutching your bag for dear life (i see so many people who still do this) and every strange face you stare at just in case there is any suspicious movements... well as that started to seize in me, and i started to just not care about whats around me (still being observant for my own sake, but not the observant that makes you look scared for your life) i just was feeling comfortable with people whom i didn`t know around me and stuff.
Now, people come hit on me randomly, and before i freak out, i assess the situation.
how many people are around
how creepy does this person look (yea i know its childish to say but its the truth)
how long till i get to my stop
things like that help me assess what im going to do.
the thing is, which some people dont understand, is that sometimes you gotta just trust that people have good intentions, and aren`t going to rape you, theyre just people. The more comfortable I am with myself, the more comfortable I am with other people in general. Im not afraid to ask for help if I need it, and Im not afraid of someone who just wants to talk to me.
some guy on my bus walked up to me the other day and just started talking to me. I had seen him on my bus a million times and from the conversations ive heard, the guy was a total tool, but he came up to me and was talking to me as if we were friends forever, and it was totally normal to approach someone on the bus. So we talked, the whole bus way and at my stop I said bye and he did too. and now whenever I see him on the bus, we just casually talk. I`m not about to hangout with him, but its nice to have someone to speak to. I barely even know the guys name but casual conversation never hurt anybody.
another instance is when I was on the bus to the mall from school and i almost fell onto some random girl and i appologized and she was like `so how are you` and i assumed she knew me from a class or something (i dont notice people in class but a lot of them seem to know who i am) and she just talked to me for this entire 25 minute bus ride and when she was getting off a stop before the mall, she said `oh by the way im (insert name here)` and i, flabbergasted as i was, replied `my name is justine, nice to have met you` and she thanked me for talking to her on the bus. I got off and people that I knew were like `did you know that chick` and i was just like nope.
All in all, people are quite strange, and as much as we frown upon random people talking to us in the public transport, I give them lots of respect because I wouldn`t have the guts to approach someone I thought was good looking, and think about it, people meet that way all the time, can`t blame them for trying to meet you...

so thats all for today, feels good to be writing again thats forsure, next week (if im lucky) i`ll have a new observation for you guys, and good news about my marks in school (fingers crossed) and maybe a new couple of jobs! (fingers crossed)

you are all beautiful creatures of the earth.
love, jus ;)

Friday, March 8, 2013

Life; a poem by me.

(just edited today, and also submitted to sunday @ 6 literary magazine!!!! fingers crossed!)

Life isn't about keeping score,
It's not about your home decor.

Life isn't how many friends you've made
Or how many people you've paid.

It's not about how accepted you are.
It's not about if you've travelled far.

Life isn't about your Friday nights,
Life isn't about your greatest frights

It isn't about who you're dating,
Who you're hating,
When you're mating,
Or how long you're waiting.

It isn't about who you've kissed
Or you're to-do list.

Lift isn't about money,
Or whether or not it's sunny.

It's not about the car you drive
And it's not about a deep sea dive.

Life isn't about where you go to school,
It's not about if you are cool,

Life's not about your beautiful face,
It's not about your family's race,
It's not about if you can trace,
And not about getting first place.

It's not about the clothes you wear,
Or about your perfect hair.

Life's not about the shoes you walk,
It's not about the language you talk.

Life's not about the grades you get,
It's not about the celebrities you've met,
Life isn't about the money you bet,
It's not about your adorable pet.

What life is not was stated above,
But what life is, is purely love.

Life is about who you make smile,
It is about the extra mile.

It's about keeping the people you love close,
It's about giving away your heart the most.

It's about the trust you give and the trust you get,
It's about the love you'll always want to bet.

Life is about family and friends,
It is about never seeing ends.

It's about saying what you mean,
It's about coming clean.

Life is about living your dream,
It's about watching yourself beam.

It's about the peace you make,
It's about the hearts you don't break,
It's about the times you're not fake,
It's about enjoying that juicy steak.

Life is what you make it,
So please never fake it,

Cause Life is the longest thing you'll do,
But you can blink and it'll be through.
So here's my advice on what to do,
Don't forget to say I love you,

Life isn't going to wait for us,
Life is a speeding non-stop bus,

But here's some valuable information,
Life is the journey, not the destination.

- written for my fate that i got a second chance with. i love you alexandre -

Monday, February 18, 2013

screw valentines day

I made a point to make sure this post wasn't on valentines day because i'd hate to be bitter about the day of love. let me make sure its known that im not about to be one of those hipsters that say its a hallmark corporation-made holiday that invokes consumerism and false advertising and all that (even though it totally is), because you know all this allready, so it would be stupid to post about it.

so i hate valentines day.
what? how can i hate a day of love?! well fuck that.
lets start off at the beginning. the story of valentines day is that there was a super cool guy, saint vantentine. at the time of war, people couldn't marry because it was said that love would distract the soldiers, so marriage was banned. valentine was like nah, and married off all of these couples anyways, because he believed in love, and then they were to kill him, so he left a letter to his love that was signed "from your valentine" insert awwwwwwwwe here. and so this was how that all started, and for some reason it was said that the 14th of February was the day where we would buy shit for the people we cared about and all that jazz.

so now the reason i hate that day is that its kind of like an excuse for girls to beg guys to buy them flowers, or guys to get off the loose cause they only have to buy chocolate for their lady on that ONE day a year. Its not what valentines day is, because i find that having a day to represent love and caring for the people who are important to you is beautiful, its about what it stands for, the ONE day where you show love and care for the important people.

does that make no sense? let me break it down for you.
you have to think about it in the practical sense. shouldnt you show love and care and all that....EVERY DAY? i mean whats to say that on february 18th i can't buy flowers for my lady (assuming i had one) and say, i love you? to me, i find it so much MORE romantic to get a flower on a random day than to get one on valentines day. Its funny to think about but i watch these movies where the guy would be going over to the girls and would bring flowers just as courtesy and respect. i find that its so interesting that in todays society, we need to have that day so that we can get the love we deserve EVERY day.

And then, what valentines day represents for the single people, a day to complain about how lonely they are. All i think is shut the fuck up! i know its a little rude but seriously, every day of the year you're single, and you choose the day of love to complain about it? and whilst you sit and complain, do you really think a guy (or girl depending on what gender and preference you have) is gona be like "oh damn that love bashing status is so sexy i want a peice of that" NOOOOOOOO... the people who complain on vday, thats why you're single cause you spend all your time complaining rather than gettting the fuck off your ass and meeting someone.

Plus, valentines day is about LOVE, not relationships. to everyone out there, single or taken. valentines day is for loving the people you love. all of my good friends said happy valentines day to me on the 14th, my parents said it to me, and im still single, and im quite content with how my day went. half the couples in the world probably fought on valentines day because one didn't get the other the "right gift" or didn't get a gift or just didn't give a shit. To me, every day should be valentines day, or at least what it represents, love for the people you care about, and thats it. none of this bullshit relationship crap. if you are in a relationship, you should love them every day regardless of what day and month it is, and you should buy them flowers or candy or whatever on ANY day, not february the 14th.

but i gotta thank vday for one thing, a little writing inspiration never hurt anyone ;)
have a nice day my beautiful readers, if you exist ;)
xoxoxo happy valentines day ;)
love, jus <3 p="">

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

my stomach hurts for beiber

alright so im coming back with a kind of crappy topic i know i know, but its REALLLLYYYY making me sick, and its given me so much inspiration to write, its insane. (ps: i have too many opinions)

so im sure everyone who reads this knows about the whole beiber thing thats in the media right now, how he smokes weed and everyone is flipping out about it, well what you might not know (but you probably do) is that the new twitter trending thing is called #cutforbeiber and there are so many younger girls who are cutting themselves repeatedly and posting pictures of it online saying "if you stop smoking, we'll stop cutting".

let me start off by laughing hysterically at that because girls are so stupid sometimes. but now seriously, this is really wrong that people are mutilating themselves because of a pop star.

first of all, hes a teenager so he's bound to smoke at some point. said that the average age that kids first try drugs is a 12.6 years old, and he's HOW OLD now? so you gotta assume he's tried it once. also, its not like hes doing cocaine or heroin or anything, hes just smoking a bit of weed, the worst thatll happen is he eats too much and gets fat or sum off of munchies. any weed-related consequences to his body are all his responsibility because he chose to smoke.

second of all, cutting because he's doing it WONT STOP HIM FROM DOING IT. i mean if you really think about it, do you think some super rich teenage guy who can basically get any girl he wants will care about a couple of fans? If he really likes to smoke weed hes going to do it regardless to how people feel about it, because they don't really affect him, besides buying into all the crap he puts out, but if a couple girls get hurt he wont care he still has millions of fans worldwide.

next, the fact that i'm even writing this blog all about girls cutting for this one guy is sick. and not like "oh thats so sick" as in cool, i mean sick as in it makes me want to throw up. people cut themselves probably every day, maybe every hour who even knows. I can't believe that girls are cutting themselves for such an idiotic reason, when there are people who cut themselves all the time, and nobody even focuses on them, because theyre reason isnt "appealing" to the public. thats disgusting, how about instead of everyone freaking out that beiber is high, people freak out because there are fucking people cutting themselves over it, and that people need to be taught about how wrong that is, that they risk themselves for the worstttttttttttttttttttttttttt reason.

lastly, this sounds a bit like what i just said, but the fact that the media puts this out is insane. (im about to sound really hipster so bare with me) In the world there is hunger, there is poverty, there is political instability,  there are disasters daily and there is violence, crime, a a whole lot of hate out there. we are being brainwashed to think that a subject like mario lopez's wedding (just saw a commercial for the show they are making about it) or justin beiber's pot smoking is SOOOOOO important, but the other stuff we can "leave to the professionals" or "theres nothing we can do about it so just pretend its not happening".
1. why the fuck do we care about the stupid inside lives or famous people
2. why the fuck do famous people want us INSIDE their lives, like REALLY inside. they want us to see their home, their cars, their relationships and children and it just can't be a healthy lifestyle to never have any secrets or privacy.
3. why are these things more important than our planet, our lives, and the future?

i just dont understand much about today, but if there wasn't all this shit id have nothing to complain about.
i miss the beatles lul.
xoxo ill try to write more but im starting school on the 21st, and nobody really reads this anyways lol.
ciao for now,