Tuesday, June 15, 2010

its a cling thing

havnt written in a while, i guess the mood was gone.
you know, my mood has been quite neutral i guess. ive been spending so much time dreaming of this fantasy world, when im supposed to be this down to earth girl who knows what she can get and who knows who she is.
i know who i am i guess, but maybe its just hard to admit who i am. maybe its hard to admit what i want.. i dont know whats been inside me, but its like a bug thats just eating my insides and wont go away.
i know im young, but i want love. like i really want to feel something with someone. i dont want to look for it, because then thats being desperate, and im not desperate. im just so tired of all these guys out there that think they know what they want but in truth they know nothing. i wish there was a guy who was, well who was as clingy as i am. yea im clingy. i like to talk to the person im with at least twice a day (good morning and good night) , and id like to see the person im dating at least once a week. is that so hard to understand? oh and i miss someone when im not with them. im sorry if thats such a crime to all these guys in the world, but wether they like it or not, a girl is going to miss you if they are dating you.

girls are complicated, ill tell you that. BUT we arent hard to understand. When we ask you what were thinking, we just want to know. When we tell you we miss you, you dont have to say it back, but it would be nice. When we ask you a question, we dont want a lie. its really not that big of a request. and when some stupid asshole comes into our lives and by fluke we fall for what we think he is, we actually want to be friends sometimes even though they hurt us so much, BECAUSE WERE ACTUALLY NICE.

like all these stupid people in the world that dont understand what it takes to be in a stable relationship are just going to fail in it. its not that much of a challenge. just be honest, talk to the person, and actually show a little compassion once in a while.

oh and have the dignity to break up with us in person. its embarrassing when you do it any other way.

sorry for complaining. im just angry.