Monday, April 14, 2014

Imagine If...

So I was facebook stalking and one page brought me to another and then another and all the sudden I stumbled upon this girl I know but I cannot stand. To me, this girl had always been mean to everyone a little different, was selfish, rude, one of those class A bitches that we so hate. But she was STUNNING.. and when i say stunning, i mean it. Like I couldn't find insults on her appearance, cause shes just so beautiful.

Then.... I had a thought. As I was jealously wishing I was as beautiful as most of these people I see, I realized that a lot of them I hadn't liked. Was it because of appearance or events? I guess a bit of both.
So I thought, imagine if your looks changed based on who you are on the inside. Like the nicer and more accepting and better of a person you are, the better looking you are, and vise versa.

See heres the way I see it: In today's society, as much as we preach about "be the best YOU you can be" "looks don't matter its whats on the inside", looks will come into play when concerning the person you end up with, and/or the job you can end up with (if its a 'serving the public' kind of job, people prefer a prettier face). So why can't people who are amazing people be in amazing jobs? or find a mate whos equally as amazing? Instead of the hot girls with no personality and who are selfish gold-diggers going for the rich nice guys who are ugly, well the rich nice guys would be hot, and then the nice girls who are worth dating will ALSO be hot! its a win win for cool people like you (i assume if you read my blog you're automatically awesome in every way) and me! ya get me?

So this isn't as much a post to complain, more just like me and my silly monday morning ideas, because its not fair how people who are ugly on the inside are allowed to be pretty on the outside and get whatever they want and do whatever they please because they're good looking and for some reason we put those people so high up on a pedestal that they have to make us do everything for them because if they do one thing they'll fall off the pedestal to their untimely death.

^ i think that was me subtly complaining.

I guess my big moral that has nothing to do with anything but also everything to do with anything is to actually get to know people first, which seems liek a big big pattern in my blogs. Too often I watch good people get judged too soon and too harshly. I see it happen to a lot of my guy friends; take one look at a girl whos a 7 and go naaahh shes not hot... but in truth she is hot on the inside and out. But they say no cause they're too busy chasing that 10 that put them in the friendzone a year ago but they're sure they can escape like THERES NO ESCAPE. 1/1000000000000 is an exception and im telling you, its not you because it was my boyfriend. so wait until another 99999999999 guys try to get out friendzone, and when they all fail, you go for it. looolll thats a joke don't do that. 

anyways, off to make the bills at work, have a nice day !
from pencil to paper, to keyboard to computer screen,